Friday, November 20, 2009

The Consequences of Our Actions part 6

Jason stood huddled again with the crew beneath the shadow of the Vexor, waiting for the captain to send the pad down. He rubbed at the sleep from his eyes and rocked on his heels a bit, wondering idly what Wu was up to today. They had spent the night together again. Ever since the week before, when he had asked her to dig up information on the captain, they’d seen more of eachother then normal. it was actually kind of pleasent, even if the information he had gleaned was disturbing at the least. The captain had given them the entire weekend off, for some reason that he couldn’t discern, and he had spent it digging in deeper, trying to find out more. it occured to him that it might be easier to just ask the captain, but that thought was interrupted by a voice behind them.

“Ahem. Gentlemen.” said the captain, giving his throat a small clear before speaking. He was at the head of what looked another crew, with some extras. Jason recognized faces in the crowd as people he had known during his navy days, and he immediatly recognized that their were marines standing amongst them.

“I hope the day finds you well?” he asked, moving through the crowd of original crew. He had a tan, a nataural looking one, and he was smiling to himself. Jason blinked a bit, shocked into wakefulness by the events, and nodded “Morning captain.”

“Ah, good morning Jason…lets see,” the captain scrutinized the edge of the deck and stepped up carefully one one of the large lights “Can everyone here me?” he said loudly. There was a positive response and he nodded.

“As you know, our ship runs with what some may consider a bare minimum crew. or to put it more bluntly, an insanely small crew” there was a small titter of laughter “However, today that changes. Today we are joined by fifty crewmen, with officers, who will help maintain and run our ship in it’s combat duties. These men are now your brothers, and we can all hope for many voyages together. Along with this crew, I want to welcome twenty marines and their commanding officer, lieutenant Adraille” A tall Intaki man gave a slight bow.

“Rather then our normal contractual duties today, we will be running a shakedown operation as the crews merge, and we learn to work with eachother.” He raised a small device and pointed it at the vexor, hitting a button. It gave off a loud “beep beep” and the loading platform began to descend from the ship.

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